‘Teaching of the Hour’ Award
Our teaching this spring went all remote, really abruptly too, but perhaps it was not a complete disaster – the undergrads nominated us for a teaching award, nice!
Our teaching this spring went all remote, really abruptly too, but perhaps it was not a complete disaster – the undergrads nominated us for a teaching award, nice!
Hanna has been elected as a new member of American Academy of Arts & Sciences! https://www.amacad.org/new-members-2020
Safari gave a talk about “What shapes sex-roles in black and white-browed coucals?” as part of our IEU Behaviour, Ecology, Environment and Evolution Seminar (BEEES) …
Last week the Biology 20 https://events.unifr.ch/biology20/ took place. Three of our group members gave talks there.
Thomas’ talk was about the implication …
Hanna ten Brink left the Kokkonuts to start her new position as a postdoctoral fellow in the Fish Ecology and Evolution group at Eawag, where she studies speciation and speciation reversal in the Alpine Whitefish.
Welcome Franzi! She started her PhD with the Kokkonuts in January. She is currently on fieldwork in Moorea working with Anemone fish.
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Last week, another postdoc of our group, Charlotte de Vries, was awarded a prize in the category Scientists-as-Filmmakers during the 2nd Global Science Film Festival https://www.sciencefilm.ch/
Congratulations Lotte!
Last week, our postdoc Thomas Aubier was awarded the Young Researchers Bettencourt Prize by the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation during an award ceremony in Paris. It is awarded annually to 14 young doctors of science or medical doctors. He gave a one-minute speech where he talked about butterflies and bats to …