Species interactions

Predation, parasitism, mutualism, or just good old competition. . . You name it, species interactions are interesting. And let’s not forget speciation itself!

Kokko, H. In press. Who is afraid of modelling time as a continuous variable? Methods in Ecology and Evolution. (Contains quite a bit of thoughts about Lotka-Volterra predator-prey dynamics, hence mentioned in this section of my papers)
pdfKaristo, P., Duplouy, A., de Vries, C. & Kokko, H. 2022. Positive fitness effects help explain the broad range of Wolbachia prevalences in natural populations. Peer Community Journal (Ecology section) 2: e76.
pdfBrunton-Martin, A.L., Gaskett, A.C. & Kokko, H. 2021. Resilience of haplodiploids to being exploited by sexually deceptive plants. Oikos 130: 2053–2063.
pdfKnauer, A.C., Kokko, H. & Schiestl, F.P. 2021. Pollinator behaviour and resource limitation maintain honest floral signaling. Functional Ecology 35: 2536–2549.
pdfHeinsohn, R., Au, J., Kokko, H., Webb, M.H., Deans, R.M. & Stojanovic, D. 2021. Can an introduced predator select for adaptive sex allocation? Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B288: 20210093.
pdfAshby, B., Shaw, A.K. & Kokko, H. 2020. An inordinate fondness for species with intermediate dispersal abilities. Oikos 129:311–319.
pdfKyogoku, D. & Kokko, H. 2020. Species coexist more easily if reinforcement is based on habitat preferences than on species recognition. Journal of Animal Ecology 89: 2605–2616.
pdfAubier, T., Kokko, H. & Joron, M. 2019. Coevolution of male and female mate choice can destabilise reproductive isolation. Nature Communications 10: 5122.
pdfThorogood, R., Kokko, H. & Mappes, J. 2018. Social transmission of avoidance among predators facilitates the spread of novel prey. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2: 254-261.
pdfMedina, I., Langmore, N.E., Lanfear, R. & Kokko H. 2017. The evolution of clutch size in hosts of avian brood parasites. American Naturalist 190: E112-E123.
 pdfHarts, A., Kristensen, K. & Kokko, H. 2016. Predation can select for later and more synchronous arrival times in migrating species. Oikos 125: 1528-1538.
haiku  pdfGordon, S.P., Kokko, H., Rojas, B., Nokelainen, O. & Mappes, J. 2015. Colour polymorphism torn apart by opposing positive frequency-dependent selection, yet maintained in space. Journal of Animal Ecology 84: 1555-1564.
 pdfMappes, J., Kokko, H., Ojala, K. & Lindström, L. 2014. Seasonal changes in predator community switch the direction of selection for prey defenses. Nature Communications 5: 5016.
 Harmer, A.M.T., Kokko, H., Herberstein, M.E. & Madin, J.S. 2012. Optimal web design in sub-optimal foraging conditions. Naturwissenschaften 99: 65-70.
pdfHeubel, K.U., Rankin, D.J. & Kokko, H. 2009. How to go extinct by mating too much: Population consequences of male mate choice and efficiency in a sexual-asexual species complex. Oikos 118: 513-520.
pdfKokko, H., Heubel, K. & Rankin, D.J. 2008. How populations persist when asexuality requires sex: the spatial dynamics of coping with sperm parasites. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 275: 817-825.
pdfRankin, D.J., López-Sepulcre, A., Foster, K.R. & Kokko, H. 2007. Species-level selection reduces selfishness through competitive exclusion. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20: 1459-1468.
pdfFoster, K.R. & Kokko, H. 2006. Cheating can stabilise cooperation in mutualisms. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 273: 2233-2239.
pdfKokko, H., Mappes, J. & Lindström, L. 2003. Alternative prey can change model-mimic dynamics between parasitism and mutualism. Ecology Letters 6: 1068-1076.
pdfKokko, H. & Ruxton, G. D. 2000. Breeding suppression and predator-prey dynamics. Ecology 81: 252-260.

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